Here you’ll find photos, books, and resource links mentioned in the September 2019 issue of Compass Points, the monthly newsletter sent to subscribers only. If you’d like to subscribe, CLICK HERE. You can unsubscribe any time. If you’d like me to send you a copy of that newsletter, use the Contact form on this website to request it.
Our family weekend in Nashville

Riverwood in September

✧ NORTH—Faith: Prayer Walking
Here’s the road I walk most mornings. The beauty here inspires me to give thanks and feel God’s presence in the shadow of the mountain.

✧ SOUTH—Start With Your People (Book recommendation)
Start With Your People: The Daily Decision That Changes Everything. by Brian Dixon
That daily decision, which can be applied to both personal and professional life, is the decision to put people first instead of projects first. And the decision to put people first, Dixon maintains, entails two steps: See and Serve. “See” means noticing those around you: your family, your co-workers, your community. “Serve,” of course, means trying to serve them in some way.
“When we really get down to it, our main legacy will be the investment we made in people.” ~ Brian Dixon

✧ EAST—Self-Awareness: “Create before you consume”
I spoke of this quote from Marie Forleo in the newsletter. Her new book is called Everything is Figureoutable. With a name like that, it’s gotta be good:
✧ WEST—Nature: What’s in YOUR yard?
Pick just one tree in your yard and learn more about it and how it changes in the fall. Here are some pictures of a few tree friends in my own yard.

What I’m loving this month
Who knew gel polish would help me stop biting my nails? I got the pink first. Decided it was too much of a good thing and went au naturale last time.

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