In this book, Brené Brown takes her impressive body of research in shame, vulnerability, and resilience and applies her findings to leadership and organizational cultures.
Dare To Lead: Brave Work, Tough Conversations, Whole Hearts
by Brené Brown
Published 2018
I’ve read every book Brené Brown has ever written, and the arc of her research and its conclusions over the course of her work is fascinating and universally applicable to both individuals and organizations.
Dare To Lead: Brave Work, Tough Conversations, Whole Hearts contains the kind of practical, implementable information I’d like to put in the hands of every C-suite executive and every Human Resources professional, but regardless of where you are on the managerial flowchart, you can learn from this book to equip yourself with better skills for strengthening both personal and professional relationships.
Dr. Brown’s well-documented and well-illustrated principles (with lots of examples from real life) support her premise that without vulnerability, there is no creativity, and with no tolerance for failure, there is no innovation.
“It’s that simple,” she says. “Brave leaders are never silent around hard things.”
Key take-aways:
- The level of collective courage in an organization is the best predictor of its success.
- Brave leaders can learn to be courageous, but only if they are willing to be vulnerable.
- We cannot let others define success for us.
“Choose courage over comfort. Choose whole hearts over armor. And choose the great adventure of being brave and afraid. At the exact same time.” ~ Brené Brown
More Brené Brown posts:
Brené Brown’s work has inspired other posts here at Heartspoken:
- “Brenee Brown’s Antidote to ‘I’m Never Good Enough!'”
- “Self Knowledge: 6 Ways To Discover Your Truest Self”
- “8 Ways To Get Past Feeling Misunderstood”
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