I will consider quality articles that are fresh, original, and appropriate for my blog’s theme and that explore one of the key categories (see below). I prefer to have exclusive use of your content for two weeks before you post it elsewhere, but I would discuss using content you have already published if it would add value to my readers.
Requirements and guidelines:
- The post must be aligned with the theme of the Heartspoken life and its essential connections:
- with God (faith)
- with others (community),
- with Self (self-knowledge)
- with nature
- I am also looking for stories about the impact of personal (especially handwritten) note or letter writing OR anything you might share to encourage readers to write more notes. This is such a powerful connection tool that brings joy to the sender and the recipient, and it is the topic of my book HEARTSPOKEN: How to Write Notes that Connect, Comfort, Encourage, and Inspire.
- All articles are subject to proofreading and editing.
- All articles must be accompanied by a short bio (with links — website, social media links, etc. — and contact information) and, if possible, a quality digital photo of the author.
- Photos to illustrate or accompany the article are appreciated (800×400 pixels). I need photo credit information for any image you send (other than the author photo).
- Ideal length for articles is 350-1000 words, but if you can convey your great idea in fewer words — or need more — we can discuss. Often a very long article can work better as a series, and I would consider a series of related articles.
- Crude language and adult content will not be considered.
- Submission does not guarantee publication. I retain the right to select those submissions that reflect the highest quality and content.
- Guest post authors retain all rights to their content for future use.
- If your piece is published, I would appreciate your help in promoting your guest post at Heartspoken.com to your own constituents.
- No embedded links except to your website and social media platforms.
If you have ideas for other types of collaboration, I’m always happy to discuss. Use the contact form.