“A work of heart”
Heartspoken is a work of art—and a work of heart…your words are packed with wisdom and inspiration.
“This book is a gift”
This book is a gift. It’s a gift that Elizabeth Cottrell has given to all who read it. It is a gift that you will feel compelled to share with others. As a business etiquette expert, I have been teaching people the value of writing notes as a tool for growing their business and building relationships. Elizabeth has created one of the most valuable books you’ll ever own and will refer to over and over for years to come.
“familiar and welcoming”
Thanks so much for sharing your book with me. From the first page, it felt familiar and welcoming…that’s a great talent! Halfway through, I put it down, picked up a pen and paper, and wrote a note to a good friend, just to thank him for his friendship. I don’t think I’ve ever done that before. Thank you for inspiring me to be a better friend! And congratulations on a wonderful book.
Jason F. Wright
What you have in your hand is far more than another book on the proper way to write a note or letter. It is written with care and commitment to build your confidence and teach you to find your own ‘voice.’ It offers you the inspiration and encouragement to know—deep in your soul—exactly the right thing to say at the right time.
Elizabeth H. Cottrell’s heart for encouragement takes the shape of words penned in notes and cards and letters — sometimes considered an old-fashioned way to communicate in our fast-paced world of email and texts. I’m so grateful she’s inspired me to slow down and reconnect with family and friends through the more personal expression of handwritten notes.
Jill P. Strachan
As an enthusiastic supporter of handwritten notes, I welcome the publication of Elizabeth H. Cottrell’s Heartspoken: How to Write Notes that Connect, Comfort, Encourage, and Inspire. Not only does she state a clear case for the charms and benefits of the handwritten note, but she also provides tools to address any fears related to the writing of them. Handwritten notes provide a window to the soul that email and emojis cannot open. In a complicated and challenging world, they bring affirmation that someone cared enough to write and took the time to do so. They are a gift of immeasurable worth.
As a personal spiritual discipline in 2020, I chose to write and mail breezy, positive notes and letters to family, friends, and people in my community. I had no expectations of replies, and only a few wrote back. Many told me how much it meant to them. Some posted my notes on bulletin boards in their offices. As the pandemic swelled and forced people to isolate themselves, these messages became a lifeline to the outside world—for me and for those who received them.
“I love Elizabeth Cottrell’s common sense, and heartfelt advice about sending notes and letters in the mail. She is absolutely spot on in her message. Receiving a heartspoken note or letter in the mail can make a huge impact on someone’s life.
“I love Cottrell’s Heartspoken, How to Write Notes that Connect, Comfort, Encourage, and Inspire. It’s on my gift-giving list this year!
Author of It Ain’t Just the Diet COOKBOOK: How I Beat Food Allergies One Bite At A Time and companion FOOD JOURNAL. Author, Secrets of the Softer Side of Selling
“An artist creates a painting with canvas, color, and brushes. The finished canvas evokes feelings that are revisited with each viewing. Elizabeth is an artist with words that evoke a feeling in the heart. This book she has written gives us the tools to create personal notes that also become works of art that we can be sure will be treasured
“Writing a letter or note is as scary to some people as public speaking. Others simply can’t figure out what to say. For years, those seeking help have turned to my dear friend, Elizabeth H. Cottrell.
“As an advocate for writing notes by hand, Elizabeth has calmed note writers’ fears by providing thoughtful, delicate words and techniques. Now her advice is captured in a book that fans have been looking forward to. HEARTSPOKEN, How to Write Notes that Connect, Comfort, Encourage, and inspire is a guide to create the kinds of sincere and meaningful messages that will be kept and cherished.
“This comprehensive guide shows when, how, and why to put hand to paper. Eight chapters cover every aspect of personal and professional letter writing with lots of valuable examples. With her compassionate guidance, you’ll feel like there is suddenly a quill in your hand, capable of writing with old-fashioned, graceful sensibilities.”
“I am so pleased for the launch of Elizabeth Cottrell’s book, a delightful outpouring of her passion to share the power of handwritten correspondence to enhance lives of senders and recipients. It’s a passion that we share in her Facebook group: “The Art of the Heartspoken Note.”
“The heartfelt handwritten note is a talent to nurture. For graduating students and new professionals, Heartspoken makes a great gift to learn how to make an impression and cultivate the ability to build relationships. Elizabeth takes the subject so much further than good manners to address very difficult situations. She offers dozens of examples to help readers respond to heart-wrenching moments of loss or reconciliation. No one should miss opportunities to express gratitude, congratulations, and pride.
“This book will help you write any note, so you are sure to convey your sincere appreciation to your loved ones, colleagues, friends, and even strangers as a lifelong practice full of rich rewards.”
I’d like to tell you why I think Elizabeth Cottrell is the perfect person to have written this book. It was over a decade ago when I first met Elizabeth in person. I was a new speaker at an event in Atlanta and she and I sat at the same table for lunch. I soon realized my good fortune. During this brief encounter, Elizabeth put me at ease and my nervousness and fear dissipated. Her smile and words landed on me in a way that would connect us forever. In her natural manner, she comforted, encouraged, and inspired me to allow my spirit to shine. As I took the stage to speak the following day, I found her in the audience and pretended I was only speaking to her.
“Thank you, Elizabeth, and I am forever grateful to be connected with you.
Elizabeth Cottrell is renowned for her letter writing. I have been the recipient of many of her heart-warming notes over the years. She has taken this expertise and put it into a practical guide for writing notes that touch the heart. If you want to write letters that people hang onto and cherish, this is the book for you.
The emotional thrill of receiving a handwritten envelope in the mail is both unique and shared. The handwriting on the outside of that envelope alone immediately provides a connection from the distant writer to the recipient, combined with anticipation of the message contained therein. That thrill, connection, and anticipation not only drives human relationships; it also maintains a functioning Postal Service in the US and around the world. Why else would we check our mailboxes every day, enabling the Postal Service to also deliver us other items in which we have less interest?!
“The pandemic, and the loss of human connections it so cruelly stole from us, certainly drove home the power of hand-written communications between friends and family. I can confidently say that greeting cards amp up that power further, combining powerful images and words with handwritten sentiments, even if the latter is just a signature.
“Elizabeth Cottrell and I share a belief in the power of a piece of mail to connect, comfort, encourage, and inspire—to create and strengthen that which is most important: human relationships. I recommend reading her book on how, when, and why to send a personal note, to help you harness this power. Most importantly, I encourage you to send a heartspoken card or note to a loved one today; the impact of that effort is likely greater than anything else you will do today.
Oh, how we need this book by Elizabeth Cottrell. To connect with heartfelt words, “in person,” so to speak (by what some call “snail mail)” is imperative in this day and age. Cottrell gives us eight fabulous reasons and examples (Chapters I to VIII) of why snail mail isn’t slow or cumbersome, but the opposite. Personal written cards and letters connect us to each other in so many important ways. Cottrell does an amazing job detailing those ways in which we can share heart and soul in our handwritten notes. Me? One of my dresser drawers is full of notes and cards I’ve received and saved over the years. Proof of how meaningful a personal note/card/letter can be. Cottrell’s book is a great gift to yourself and to others who appreciate the power of heartspoken mail.
An artist creates a painting with canvas, color, and brushes. The finished canvas evokes feelings which are revisited with each viewing. Elizabeth is an artist with words that evoke a feeling in the heart. This book she has written gives us the tools to create personal notes that also become works of art that we can be sure will be treasured.
Delightful’ is the word that comes to mind when reading Elizabeth H. Cottrell’s HEARTSPOKEN. It is a combination of etiquette, common sense, and exquisite advice on how to write the perfect note or letter. What is more, it helps to determine why and when to write to others, and what type of note to construct. It is full of examples and replete with quotes from history’s greatest letter writers. Most of all, it is a spiritual guide for communing with others on a heartfelt, heartspoken level
Heartspoken is not just an inspiring how-to book that will enable you to write meaningful notes that other people will cherish—it is heartspoken itself. Cottrell writes from an open and authentic soul, empowering you to speak your own heart.
In a world where connectedness is defined by social media likes and instant messages, Elizabeth Cottrell reminds us of the benefits of pausing to pen a heartspoken personal note, both for the writer and the recipient. With her easy-to-remember NOTES formula, Cottrell inspires amateurs and experienced letter writers alike to express compassion and caring with thoughtful words. A lovely gift for a teen, young professional, aspiring leader, and even the veteran snail mail aficionado.
In Heartspoken: How to Write Notes that Connect, Comfort, Encourage, and Inspire, my ‘soul-writing sister’ Elizabeth Cottrell shows how to develop your superpower of writing heart-to-heart notes. Her NOTES formula is a great way to get started, and you’ll find plenty of situation- specific tips within these pages as well. With this book by your side, you can become a world-class note writer, engendering good feelings in others’ lives as well as your own!
Over those years, Elizabeth has blessed me with her handwritten notes, both in times of sorrow and in times of joy. I cannot adequately convey how much those handwritten, heartspoken missives meant to me, as they reached across the miles to comfort me like nothing else could. Each note carried with it the tangible expression of love, compassion, and friendship that no email, however sincere, could ever convey.
“Elizabeth’s book has been a long time in the making, first as a spark in the author’s eye, now, at last, fulfilled. If you don’t consider yourself a letter or note writer, but want to be, you are in capable hands. If you are already a note writer, you are now privy to a masterclass that will elevate your note writing to an art form of the highest order. If you are at a loss for words during an emotionally laden event in a friend or loved one’s life, she gently guides you on how to allow just the right words to flow from your heart and onto the page.
“For those looking at how to use note writing in your professional lives, Elizabeth has that covered too. She is adept at teaching you how to infuse your professional and business notes and letters with genuine graciousness and sincerity.
“If anyone can bring back the lost art of the letter, it’s Elizabeth Cottrell. Her book is your instruction manual in making our world a kinder, more compassionate, and thoughtful place. God knows, we need this in our lives now more than ever!
In a contemporary culture where civility among humans sometimes lapses, Heartspoken is a timely reminder of its benefits. Ms. Cottrell polishes the old tool of note writing to suggest how easily we can positively affect the lives of others. The emotional return possible from the few moments invested in a well-timed note is compelling. The author’s primer provides complete guidance on how to do this, when to do it, and why we should. A relevant document for compassionate people of all ages.
I have known Elizabeth for over a decade, and her message has never wavered—she lives on connections with her faith, with others, with herself, and with nature. Amidst all this, she’s worked tirelessly on her book. Elizabeth has produced the definitive note-writing resource. While there are a lot of books on the market about handwritten correspondence and how to write notes, there are few that embrace the scope of this one—there is a chapter or section to fit every note-writing need. Thorough research, as well as loads of examples via personal notes from Elizabeth and others, enhance this collection in both an intimate and professional way. If you want to write more handwritten notes— and do it well—invest in this book.”