“Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken.” ~ Oscar Wilde
Wanting to be liked is a powerful temptation
At my age, it’s a lot easier to follow the “Be yourself” advice than it was when I was a young woman, but I continue to be surprised how powerful and tempting it is to want to set my authenticity aside so I can fit in, be liked, and be respected. I know I’m a people pleaser, and while I have never had lacked the courage to speak up when I needed to, I’m no stranger—especially in this time of polarized politics and strong opinions—to experiencing the discomfort of wondering when I’m being truer to myself to stay quiet or to speak up.
How about our looks?
And isn’t it human to want to look our best and feel our best? Absolutely, but don’t let it be a slippery slope to wanting to compare ourselves to someone else.
I confess to momentary twinges of envy sometimes when I see a woman older than I am who looks and acts ten years younger. I like to think I don’t worry about looking younger than my 69 years, but darn it, I sure want to look the best 69 I possibly can! And goodness knows, there are millions of dollars spent by cosmetics and clothing companies to try and convince me that their products are the ones to help me do just that.
But here’s what I really believe: we are our most beautiful when we are truly and completely ourselves.
Claim your power and value
Girlfriends, we women don’t always value ourselves as much as we should.
Our culture and upbringings haven’t helped, but let’s take a deep breath and stop the negative self-talk right now! We are each unique, special, and beautiful in God’s eyes, and when we choose to accept that and embrace our truest selves, we can harness the power to change the world.
Guys, you know you’ve been tempted to “go along to get along” too—to turn your back on your truest and best self. And oh, the good you can do when you lift up the women and girls in your life and help them value themselves!
Watch the magic happen
Be yourself and encourage those around you to do the same. Raise your children and grandchildren to be themselves too, and to know it’s okay to make mistakes and fail forward in pursuit of doing the best they can. Yes, they will learn there are people smarter than they are, wealthier than they are, and more physically handsome or beautiful than they are. But always remind them they are unique and they are “fearfully and wonderfully made.” (Psalm 139:14)
When we’re true to ourselves and release the burden of trying to be someone else, that newfound energy can change the world.
Join us on the third Tuesday next month for another Heartspoken Moment.
Book Give-away!
Everyone who leaves a comment on my blog between now and the end of April 2019 (that’s today as this post is published!) will be entered into a drawing to win a hardcover copy of Gretchen Rubin’s new book Outer Order Inner Calm: Declutter & Organize To Make More Room For Happiness.
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