The circumstances of your life at any moment don’t care about you at all, so don’t waste time or energy trying to change what you can’t control.
One of the key components of the Stoic philosophy—one that has stood the test of time for thousands of years—is that to live our best life—our most #HeartspokenLife, if you will—we must always distinguish between those things that are within our control and those that aren’t. If they’re not, we must try to let them go and focus on what we can actually change.
It’s tempting to throw our emotional energy into bemoaning the circumstances of our life as though they might change if they just knew how miserable they were making us. Of course, those circumstances don’t care about us at all, so it’s up to us to discern what aspects of those circumstances are within our control and which are not.
We can put on a coat if we’re cold. We can rest if we’re fatigued. But we can do nothing about the flight that’s been cancelled or stop the hurricane that’s coming our way.
We can only choose how we react to those circumstances, because those circumstances don’t care. They won’t react to us at all.
Join us next month for another Heartspoken Moment.
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