Church building doors are still closed seven months into the COVID-19 pandemic, and even after they open, there will be significant changes to the way we take communion and pass the peace. Back in April, we celebrated Easter without a real organ or the scent of lilies or the squeals of excited, squirmy children in their Easter finest…no festive coffee hour and certainly no hugs outside of our own household.
But as our Presiding Bishop, the Most Rev. Michael Curry, reminded us in his Easter message: “It may not look like Easter. It may not smell like Easter. It may not really feel like Easter. But it’s Easter anyway.” Just like it was Easter anyway before the disciples realized it or before the women at the tomb understood it or before Thomas believed it.
We are Easter people. The world needs our light and our message desperately right now. We can shine that light through kindness, compassion, encouragement, connection, and always through love.
[Originally sent by email as part of my Compass Points newsletter]
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