I Like Giving: The Transforming Power of a Generous Life
Author: Brad Formsma • Waterbrook Press • Available in Kindle or Paperback formats
Big ideas don’t have to be new
I was sent this book in hopes I would read and review it, and I have to admit I was afraid it would be syrupy sweet—and repetitive of other similarly themed books. The author himself admits, “This is not a new idea. I’m just convinced it’s a really big idea.” I was delighted to find a robust and engaging book that not only confirmed my own belief in the power of generosity, but it also reframed the way I think about what generosity might look like in my own life. It can do the same for you too.
First and foremost, the book is not preachy. Nor does it smack of self-righteousness on the part of the author. The way he avoids both is by simply telling other people’s stories in their own words about the impact of generosity in their lives.
We all know there are always more needs to be met in the world than there are people to meet them. But Mr. Formsma makes the case we need to give because it helps the giver as much or more than it helps the recipient. “Giving and receiving are two sides of the same coin.”
The dark side of giving
I particularly appreciated the author’s willingness to address the downside of giving. He makes no bones about the fact that some recipients will squander your gift. They might even be ungrateful or possibly even resentful. He distinguishes between indiscriminate giving and spontaneous giving and provides powerful examples of the ripple effect of giving.
By telling the stories of others, I was inspired to think beyond the typical notion of monetary giving. There are so many other ways to give of your time or talent even if you don’t have much money.
Mr. Formsma wraps up his book with this reflection, “Every time we give, a story begins, and the rippling effects of one simple act are immeasurable. Giving has been an incredibly transformative experience for me. As I have practiced this more and more, I have found myself more connected and empathetic to the people around me…Few things in the world feel as good and as right as giving.”

What’s your giving story?
This book is a delightful read, and it’s truly an invitation to tell your own giving story. Order it today from Amazon: I Like Giving: The Transforming Power of a Generous Life, and share your own story below about giving or receiving.
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What a heart-warming story, Esther! Being as generous as you were doesn’t always get such a terrific response or involve such “small world” circumstances, but happily they sometimes do. The other take-away from your story is that often the positive benefits of such a gesture far outweighs the effort of the gesture itself. Thanks so much for sharing this.
Never having had a lot of money, I have given more of my time than money. But even little things have their rewards. We were recently in a very crowded restaurant when a much older man came in slowly from the parking lot, bent and using a cane. When a table was finally available for us, we asked if he’d care to join us, as it didn’t look like he was comfortable standing for long. He gratefully accepted, and after we filled our plates, he told us his name. OMG…a decade ago he was an active, vibrant man, well-known in the state, a teacher at a conference I had attended. We knew his son and granddaughters when they were just starting school. What a delight it was to reconnect with this man, catch up on his family, and lament the sad state of affairs in the non-profit we had both been so active in. It seemed to us that he walked out with his head a little higher and his step a bit firmer than when he had shuffled in. And all we gave him was a seat at our table.
I’m a giver, and it makes me feel awesome! I’d much rather give than receive. No matter who contacts me for advice, or help, or assistance with a specific problem, I try to give it my all. And wouldn’t the world be a better place if everyone of us did this? And no, not everyone I give critiques to appreciate it – some not one little bit. But I just keep on trucking!
Karen, I know from personal experience how generous you are with your time and expertise, and you always do give it your all. Yes, indeed, if each person just picked up their giving just a bit, what a difference it would make!
Karen, I know from personal experience how generous you are with your time and expertise, and you always do give it your all. Yes, indeed, if each person just picked up their giving just a bit, what a difference it would make!