Don’t ever underestimate how much a simple handwritten note will mean to someone of any age.
I sent this letter to a high school senior friend who just got into the college of his choice. His mother told me that he loved getting it so much that he read it out loud to her. I’ve changed identifying info for privacy.
Dear Joe,
I just wanted to write and tell you again how proud Dr. Johnny and I are of you in getting accepted to Penn State. The thing is, we were already proud of you, regardless of whether Penn State had the good sense to accept you or not. You’ve worked hard, you’ve tried a lot of interesting things, and you’ve been involved in the life of your school and your community. These will all equip you well for whatever lies ahead, and we can’t wait to see what that will be!
And always remember–whenever you stumble, you certainly haven’t failed. You’ve just learned how NOT to do something the next time. Playing it safe in life has far fewer mistakes, but far fewer adventures.
Very nice message, wish I could write warming heartfelt messages such as this.
Thanks for you comment, Lorrie. This young man was a dear friend of our family and we’ve known him for years. That makes it easier, but when I’m stuck for words, I just try to either think of things others have said to me in the past that I found meaningful or what I might want to hear if I were the person I’m writing to. Feel free to “borrow” my words or those of others when you write your notes. It’s important to realize that they’ll remember that you wrote them long after they’ve forgotten what you said.