Happy Thanksgiving!
This happy song will open your heart and make you raise your hands and tap your feet! From Empty Hands Music. Join in singing the chorus of “Grateful,” written and performed by Nimesh “Nimo” Patel and Daniel Nahmod:
All that I am
All that I see
All that I’ve been and all that I’ll ever be
Is a blessing
It’s so amazing
And I’m grateful for it all
Here’s info about Empty Hands Music on their website:
Empty Hands is a 501c3 Non-Profit, 100% Gift offering with an intention to spread seeds of goodness through its music, events & sharing all across the world, as well as its grassroots service work in the underprivileged communities in slums of Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.
Your love and support truly allows us to keep serving and gifting all our offerings to the world, no matter how big or small. If you resonate with our values and mission, we invite you to support this humble effort to spread seeds of positive change on our planet Thank you for sharing this journey in creating a better world.
I am grateful for you who share my Heartspoken journey and my prayer of love and gratitude to God for all the blessings of this life.
What are YOU grateful for today?
Just lovely and uplifting Elizabeth. Thank you for sharing the video.
Thanks so much for reading a commenting, Pamela! I have just re-read your own lovely Thanksgiving reflection on the meaning of home and how much our homes nurture us as the womb nurtures an infant. As I enjoy the gift of home and hearth and warmth, I will remember that beautiful piece.