From abject fear to utter joy and liberation
After the horror of Jesus’s crucifixion, suffering, and death, as the disciples huddled in fear and disbelief, imagine how they felt when they first heard the joyful cry, “He’s Alive!”
Our churches don’t often dwell on the awful time between the suffering and death of Jesus on Good Friday and the empty tomb on Sunday morning. We do well to remember those dark hours and to be reminded that Jesus still comes to us to invite us to step out of our darkness and into His light.
“He’s Alive” was written by Don Francisco and performed by Dolly Parton in this video. The song captures so powerfully the fear and guilt that Peter must have felt as he mourned the death of his Lord and friend Jesus and as he remembered his denials and faced the certainty of further persecution by Roman soldiers. Those hours immediately after the Crucifixion must have been dark, devastating, and terrifying. The story of that dark time is the critical backdrop for what happened on the first Easter morning.
Just imagine his emotions when he came face to face with the risen Lord! Experience for yourself the glorious certainty that allowed him to proclaim,
“He’s alive!”
It changed Peter then and it has echoed down through the ages to change us all forever.
I want to thank to thank my friend, Annette Petrick, who shared this video with me. For the full lyrics, CLICK HERE.
May you have a happy and Spirit-filled Easter.
Hope you had a wonderful Easter! He is risen!
SO, so powerful! What an incredible message. He is Risen!
It is, indeed, Ellen. Thanks so much for reading and commenting. You’re entered into the book drawing!
Amen! Wishing you a blessed Easter.
Thank you, Linda, and the same to you. I so appreciate your reading and commenting — and I’ve entered you into the book giveaway drawing.