Hey, busy people, listen up!
If you are serious about trying to strengthen your essential life connections—any of them—you’ve got to get serious about taking care of yourself.
I know; I know. I’m the pot calling the kettle black. But hey, I’m still learning and improving, and figuring things out too, so let’s do it together!
Here’s the sad truth
We’re no good to anyone else if we allow ourselves to be chronically tired, physically run down, or otherwise unhealthy, mentally or physically. Don’t ask me how I know that. The stress of having too much to do in too little time is a symptom of our culture, but YOU (and I’m pointing at myself too) are the only person who can tackle the root problem: choosing wisely how you’ll spend the only 24 hours in a day that anyone ever gets.
Let’s carve out some NNT
When you can’t seem to get on top of it, try sprinkling in a little of what business coach Marie Forleo calls NNT: Non-Negotiable Time.
Marie is a gal with an attitude, but that’s exactly what we need to wrestle with this intractable challenge. Check out her short video below (less than four minutes) and share below what you’re going to make your non-negotiable time. I’ll share mine below the video.
My Daily NNT
- Quiet time in the morning in prayer and reading a daily meditation or other spiritually nourishing content
- Telling my husband I love him
- Being thankful
- Drinking at least 8-10 cups of water a day
I’ll need to start small with some NNT I want to add, but here’s what I’m thinking:
- Getting some exercise every day, even if it’s only trotting up and down the steps intentionally. Twice a week to the gym isn’t cutting it.
- Deep breathing whenever I think of it
- Eight hours of sleep
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I share thoughts, reflections and inspiration twice a week, rotating between my four essential life connections: with God, with Self, with Others, and with Nature. Just add your first name and email to the opt-in box at the top of the right sidebar. You can opt-out any time and your information will never be shared or sold.
You’ve brought up something I think is important, Karen — the notion of unplugging from our electronic devices. I love the idea of uninterrupted reading time, and can see how that would nourishing to mind, body, and soul.
As far as the exercise, it’s hit or miss with me, but there’s no question I feel better when I make it a regular thing. I’m trying to take the “should” and the judgment out of it and think of it as pampering myself, but the truth is, I don’t really like to exercise. True confession…