What’s The Best Gift?
I believe the best Christmas gifts I’ve ever gotten were the handmade (or hand-picked) gifts from my children when they were small. My …
Is It Time To Cut Back This Christmas?
In recent years—especially when we’re not expecting our children or grandchildren to visit for Christmas—my husband and I find ourselves …
You Touch Lives Every Day (and often don’t even know it)
You touch lives every day, for better or for worse, but often you don’t realize you’re making a difference. My husband, a retired …
Good Listeners Are So Attractive
What do the most fascinating people and the most caring people you know have in common? They are good listeners, and it makes them seem more …
Gratitude’s Ripple Effect
My guest Annette Petrick was inspired for this show by one of my favorite topics—gratitude. Use the audio player below to listen to her 90-second …
It’s What YOU Think That Really Matters!
It’s so easy to be hurt by the opinions of others, especially when they’re lobbed carelessly in our direction or—worse—overheard. But we …
Thank God For My Sisters
NOTE FROM ELIZABETH: I am blessed to have a flesh-and-blood sister whom I love ferociously and trust with the deepest secrets of my heart. But if …
The Small Things That Add Joy
NOTE FROM ELIZABETH: It’s so easy to rush through our days without even noticing or appreciating the small moments and points of beauty all …