My dear friend, Annette Petrick, founder of Consider This Radio Show blog has given me permission to share her short letter that appeared last month on her website. It contains both encouragement and practical advice for dealing with our life in the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic (and a much-appreciated shout-out to my own March newsletter). Her focus on resilience is so important.
A letter to my friends
by Annette Petrick
March 18, 2020
Just a few weeks ago, we applauded and welcomed in 2020. Now here we stand, self-quarantined with calendars devoid of activities and events and a very uncertain future.
Now that it’s all sunk in, we realize our lives have changed dramatically and will be even stranger in the weeks ahead. Let’s take stock of our capacity to cope. Some are faced with energetic kids and distraught teenagers. Meanwhile the elderly are reminded incessantly of their vulnerability in all this.
We might learn from our parents and grandparents how they faced hard times like the Depression and the last global war. Food, luxuries, and choices were in short supply. The future was ominous. They will tell you how they set out to make the most of what was – with an understanding and appreciation for how much worse it could be.
Start at home
First, figure out how you can most help those at home. Sooth feelings of panic. Give reassurances that events will be rescheduled or re-celebrated, new opportunities will arise or be created. The sun will come up tomorrow.
Reach out to neighbors
Got more than enough TP? Share some or deliver rolls to doorways. Do neighbors need a spice, a cup of sugar, a new book, or the latest magazine or DVD? Offer to leave it outside your door for them to pick up.
Plan ahead
Once you’ve inhaled enough news about the pandemic and how best to survive it, make a plan for how to spend the next few weeks interned. Reintroduce the treat of an afternoon drive, to get out of the house – and then home again. Figure out where to walk while keeping your distance from others. Undertake some of those home projects for which you never have time. Have everyone pitch in.
Build in loving time with friends and relatives. Get on the phone and call friends who might be frightened or alone or sick or old. Call parents and grandparents. Call grandchildren. Stay close. Use all those great digital tools to stay in touch – not just once, but frequently. Start using new gizmos, like video conferencing with one of the free apps.
Take care of yourself
As the days go by, small acts of reassurance and consideration will become vital. Draw on your emotional and spiritual strength to figure out what to do next. Get enough rest, provide yourself with quiet time to evaluate, plan, and stay healthy.
Human kindness may seem invisible—or may be found in unlikely places. Give it freely and be an example to others, particularly the young’ uns, of how it’s done.
Cultivate resilience
Be ready to switch gears on a moment’s notice. Know for a fact that things will change in the days ahead. Decisions will require clear heads. Base your decisions on fact, rather than rumor or fear. They all look to our generation to be the anchor; the glue that holds it all together. We can do this. We’ve done it before and we do it can again.
For inspiration in this time of crisis, read Elizabeth Cottrell’s March 2020 Compass Points newsletter “World in Crisis.” It is packed with heartwarming and comforting ideas, thoughts, quotes, and suggestions —all in a read of 5 minutes or less.
For a 90 second pick-me-up, please listen to or read this special Consider This show called “Peace Within.”
Annette Petrick is the creative genius and inspired storyteller behind the Consider This Radio Show, featuring dozens of colorful 90-second episodes serving up “timely perspectives on life, love, friends, family, giving back, and giving thanks.” You’ll laugh, cry, rant, cheer, or remember.
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