Note from Elizabeth: My guest author today is Laura Fogle, a personal friend and faithful reader. After reading my April Compass Points newsletter (“Life and Death in the Pandemic”), she graciously shared this experience and its spiritual lessons. I was so moved by it and am grateful to her for allowing me to share it with you here.
One of my passions is hiking and nature, and I’m a bit of a self-taught naturalist by virtue of how much I’m in the woods observing and enjoying God’s creation. I’ve been blessed to be able to do lots of hiking this beautiful spring. When I’m in the woods, it feels like the world is turning as it always has.
I decided this weekend that I want to re-learn the orienteering skills that I haven’t used since I was a Girl Scout leader. I’ve always had a map fetish anyway, and I have a nice collection of maps covering most of the trails in this area. Therefore, your newsletter, Compass Points, was very timely this morning and I want to share what the Lord has spoken to my heart with you.
When using a map and compass, the first thing you have to do is line them up so that the map is aligned with the magnetic north of the compass. Then, marking the map with points indicating where you are and where you want to go, you line the compass points up toward the desired destination. It’s a little more complicated than this because you also have to adjust your compass to account for the difference between true north and magnetic north, depending upon where you are on the planet. This information should be on your map so you can maintain accurate bearings.

In the wilderness, as in life, you will encounter obstacles along your route that you must navigate around on the way toward your destination. You have to select shorter points along your route between where you are and where you want to end up so that you can keep your bearings. However, as long as you keep your compass needle aligned with true north, you will eventually get there.
Jesus Christ is, of course, our “True North” and our “North Star” who guides us day and night. If we fix our lives on Him, keep that needle pointed to Him and resting on Him, He will make our path straight and see us safely to the final destination point. Our journey may be rough at times. We may have to stop and get out that map of His Holy Word and realign ourselves when we get a little lost, but He will direct us on our life’s journey if we keep following the course He has laid out for us.
Thank you again for staying on the path Elizabeth! I appreciate you and value your faithfulness to the call on your life to write and encourage and inspire.

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Beautifully written!
Thank you for reading and commenting, Pam! Laura and I both appreciate it.