My guest, Connection Messenger* Annette Petrick must have heard how grumpy I was when Christmas music started blaring in the stores in October. In this episode from her Consider This Radio Show, Annette reflects on Christmas Spirit and when it begins for her.
Use the audio player below to listen to this 90-second show.
Have you had one of those years where you just can’t seem to get in the Christmas spirit? I don’t usually have that problem. But there ARE things that merchants do that get my dander up. Listen in to this show, or read along, and see if you agree. But then, be ready for the ho, ho, ho. It’s inevitable!
Annette Petrick for Consider This
Annette Petrick is the creative genius and inspired storyteller behind the Consider This Radio Show, featuring 90-second episodes serving up “timely perspectives on life, love, friends, family, giving back, and giving thanks.” Be sure to get on her email list HERE. She sends out a new 90-second episode every Sunday morning.
[stextbox id=”stb_style_870581″]* What’s a Connection Messenger? At Heartspoken, a Connection Messenger is someone who helps point the way to strengthening one or more of life’s essential connections: with God, with self, with others, or with nature. [/stextbox]
Annette Petrick
Seems you agree, Karen. And when I saw decorated trees going up in August, I was totally turned off. But now that the timing is right, sure am enjoying Christmas 2015. Merry Christmas to you and yours.
Elizabeth Cottrell
Annette, I so appreciate your wonderful show to get us all in the Christmas mood…Merry Christmas to you, too.
Karen R. Sanderson
I don’t much like Christmas music and such before Halloween, or before Thanksgiving. I feel that the commercial places just want to encourage me to part with my hard-earned dollars. Though I love my Christmas spirit, I don’t like having it shoved down my throat by advertisers. I like to think I have that spirit all year long, regardless of the season. Now that it’s after Thanksgiving, bring on the fa la la la las!
Elizabeth Cottrell
I agree 100%, Karen! Last week I was not ready to think about Christmas. Now it’s on my mind a lot (seeing children and grandchildren…woohoo!). Christmas Spirit is here!