Never, ever underestimate the influence you have on others.
You may not even remember the biggest impact you’ve ever had on someone. Whether you remember it or not, you have made someone’s life better by something you said or something you did, and you can do it again and again.
In the video above, Drew Dudley makes a powerful and entertaining case that this kind of influence is what true leadership is all about, and he suggests we too often fail to see ourselves as leaders because we think of leadership as something different, something too big for us grasp or aspire to.
But leadership is not something bigger than we are. It’s not something beyond us.
I agree with Dudley when he says it’s within our grasp and it’s all about the moments of impacting someone’s life in small ways he calls “lollipop moments.” It’s all about “how many of them we create, how many of them we acknowledge, how many of them we pay forward, and how many of them we say thank you for.”
Please watch the six-minute video to see what he means.
Go on and make someone’s day today.
I dare you!
P.S. And if someone has made a difference in your life, please let them know.
P.P.S. Thank you to Creative Business Coach Laura West of the Center for Joyful Business who shared this video with the students in her 30-Day Passion Project last month.
Thanks for sharing this. Randy heard this on NPR some time back and told me about it. A great reminder that God uses us according to His purposes especially when we are clueless about it and we are all moving in His grand design touching others whom He places in our path.
So true, Laura — it makes such a difference when you get out of bed each morning to believe that no matter who we are or where we are, God can—and will—use us. Thanks for reading and commenting!