I am blessed to live on the North Fork of the Shenandoah River in Shenandoah County, Virginia. The elements of the riparian landscape nourish my soul and strengthen one of the Heartspoken Life’s four essential connections: my connection with Nature. There are many sides to the river, of course—calm and serene—deep and troubling—turbulent and destructive. In each one, there are life lessons to be learned. Some of those lessons inspired this poem.
Encouraged by our writing group leader, Sarah Kohrs, to try different writing genres, my poem was selected to be included in the Mountain Courier’s April 2020 issue for National Poetry Month. The contest theme was “Uniquely Shenandoah.”
The Shenandoah Speaks
Listen to River’s voice
from murky depths and restless currents
past stark white sycamores standing sentinel on its bank
Nothing stays the same
Each moment is sacred
Listen to River’s voice
from roiling rapids and tree-shaded pools
where bass and sunfish dart and hide
Swim with the current when you can
Swim against it when you must
Listen to River’s voice
past serpentine bends and tumbling falls
scouring, erosion, and turbulence deep below
When you can’t see far ahead, focus only on the next step
The roughest parts of life will shape and mold you
Listen to River’s voice
down the valley, up mountain ravines, high up to windy ridges
where great raptors ride the thermals
Let go; relax
Trust the current to carry you
Listen to River’s voice
as tiny streams contribute to quickening swell
as river becomes bay, bay becomes ocean
You are an essential part of a great whole
You are enough
Kate Brenton
I love the poetry and the fluidity that relates to the river. You brought me right in.
Elizabeth H. Cottrell
Thank you so much, Kate! I so appreciate your taking the time to read and comment.
Pamela Wight
Congrats, Elizabeth. I can see (read) why your poem was chosen. It moves along in the River’s cadence and voice. Just lovely.
Elizabeth H. Cottrell
Thank you, Pam! I love our river, and it made me happy to drop into her mystical beauty and see what bubbled up.
Pamela Dux
I really love this poetry that you wrote. It is powerful and gentle at the same time. The images in the words give a force and the gentle suggestions are a guide to the good, to the light, and to ourselves. Thank you Elizabeth.
Elizabeth H. Cottrell
Thank you so much, Pamela. Living near this river has been such a gift and it gives me great pleasure to share it.