In honor of Mother’s Day
I am one of the lucky ones to have a mother who loved me so much…and still does! My guest, Connection Messenger* Annette Petrick tells the touching story of the moment when her grown daughter finally understood the depth of her mother’s love: when she held her own bundle of joy.
Use the audio player below to listen to the 90-second show.
My daughter was married at 17. Their plan was to have babies immediately and frequently. The universe had other plans. When she called me, 17 years later, complaining that her clothes didn’t seem to fit, I crossed my fingers. Could it be?
It was!
She was with child.
After waiting so long, she and her husband were overjoyed. During her pregnancy, she plied me with questions about what it would be like. They had long forgotten their dreams of parenthood and were relearning all over again. That’s how we happened to have the conversation related in this story. The prediction was a very special moment. And her confirmation when it came true was even more enchanting.
Listen in.
Annette Petrick for Consider This

Annette Petrick is the creative genius and inspired storyteller behind the Consider This Radio Show, featuring dozens of colorful 90-second episodes serving up “timely perspectives on life, love, friends, family, giving back, and giving thanks.” You’ll laugh, cry, rant, cheer, or remember. Be sure to get on her email list HERE to receive a new episode every Sunday morning.
[stextbox id=”stb_style_870581″]* What’s a Connection Messenger? At Heartspoken, a Connection Messenger is someone who helps point the way to strengthening one of life’s essential connections: with God, with self, with others, or with nature. [/stextbox]
Oh Pamela, thank you for that heartfelt story. I’m sure we have both heard that story happening often. Happy Mother’s Day to all the birth mothers in your life and all those who helped raise children. In my life, that was Hettle, a wonderful woman who came to us from Jamaica and was with our family for 13 years, during our children’s most formative years. God blessed us all, the day he sent her to us.
Reminds me of my mom’s story that I just blogged about also for Mother’s Day. She and my dad were married right after WWII and wanted to start a family immediately. She waited and waited: 2 years, 3 years, 5 years. At 6 years they had ‘tests,’ and my mom was told she’d never be able to have children. After 7 years of marriage, they talked to an adoption agency. But then mom got a horrible ‘flu.’ Back to the doctor’s for medication. Turns out the flu was…ME! 🙂 Happy Mother’s Day to you Annette, and to your daughter. xo
Yes, it did have some of the same elements as your story, Pamela. I hope folks will go to your blog and read it!