I’m honored to be a guest this morning on Karen R. Sanderson’s The Word Shark blog as part of her “Words, Words, Words Week.” My guest post is called “Words, words, words: tools for touching hearts and lives.“
It was wonderful to reflect on letters and notes I’ve received in the past and to be reminded, yet again, what power words on paper have to reach across miles and even across time.
While you’re there, don’t miss the other terrific posts earlier in the week.
Please stop by and leave a comment!
Agree with Elizabeth that it’s a shame your mom didn’t see that note. But look how it made an impact for you! The impact of one single note can mean all the difference…in good times and in sad times.
A loving journey begins when thoughts are shared with pen and paper to be folded perfectly into an envelope that will show up days later in a far away mailbox. Sometimes the world changes dramatically in that short span of time. The message so carefully written takes a detour and as such a different meaning.
The day my Mom passed away she received just such a letter written two days before wishing her well and letting her know how special her son was, and how proud she should be of him. It was in her mailbox when I stopped by to check on her home later that night. It is just a simple little handwritten note postmarked May 12, 2010 that stays in a special place at my desk and in my heart.
Thank you Elizabeth
Oh wow…now you’ve touched MY heart, Andy. Thank you for sharing this. I remember that note well because we were all praying so hard for her and thinking of you all. I’m sorry she didn’t see it, but I’m glad you did. Those words about her son? They were true, every one…